Equimix Saddlery Ltd
Tel:- 011447031876759
Reference No: SACBK/7312/7182/07
HO Ref:71783
Batch No: B2/K4319/717
Application No: SACBK/2031/8376/08
Dear Applicant,
We got your application for our job posting ad on craigslist and i'll like to let you know that we're really impressed after reviewing your resume because you are fully qualified.
Unfortunately, We are sincerely sorry to inform you that the position you applied for has been occupied and We know you really need this job, so we will be putting you on another opened position that has not yet been publicized yet and that is the job of a Payment Clerk.
You will work part-time and get paid without it affecting your present job if you have another job. This is a good part-time position. Great opportunity for anyone who wants to work in the comfort of making extra income. There are no calling strangers or taking surveys or anything like that.
Your primary task for now, as our Payment Clerk is to co-ordinate payments from customers and help us with the payment processing. You are not involved in any sales. Once orders are received and sorted we deliver the product to our customer. After this has been done the customer has to pay for the products but in most cases we make our clients prepay for orders or items they ordered for. About 90 percent of our customers prefer to pay through Certified Checks or Money Orders drawn from the United State based on the amount involved why Only few decides on Bank Transfers which is not suitable. We have decided to open this new contract to hire workers for solving this problem.
Be aware that this is a legitimate part-time opportunity and You'll have a lot of free time doing another job, because this is a part time job, you'll get good income. But this job is very challenging and you should understand it. We are considering you because you satisfy our requirements and we are sure you will be an earnest assistant till we start running our branch office in your state.
Lastly, your basis monthly salary will be $1800.00. If you accept this job, Kindly reply back with "I ACCEPT" to equimixinc@gmail.com and complete the details as requested below again so that we can add you to our database and as well as forward it to our customers for them to send payment;
FIRST NAME .........................................
LAST NAME ...........................................
ADDRESS(PO BOX NOT ACCEPTED) ................................
APT # ...............................
CITY ..................................................
STATE .................................................
ZIP CODE ..............................................
CELL PHONE .........................................
SEX ...................................................
AGE ....................................................
Thanks for your anticipated action and we hope to hear back from you.
Sean Adams
Equimix Saddlery Ltd.